We have a staff member that volunteers to watch the kids for free. She has been a great asset to us. I know that that is an isolated case, but you never know, ask the staff. It doesn't have to be a teacher. Ours is a para.
We have child care for every meeting. We use some high school students and try to have the same ones each time so they get to know the kids and the kids know them. We put child care in our budget($15 a meeting per sitter). Our kids use the gym so they can run around and have fun. I feel it does improve attendance and it makes the meetings go more smoothly if you don't have unsupervised kids running in and out or parents who are worrying about getting home quick.
Our PTO is considering providing child care during our monthly (evening) meetings as a way to boost attendance. Do you have any advice?
Do you charge for this service? Who actually watches the kids? Do you require advance reservations? Do you think attendance is up because of child care? Do you get more dads to come?