I just sent you a copy of our committee descriptions and our volunteer signup form. Obviously you'll need to cutomize it for your own situation, but it might give you some ideas.
I agree with HelpfulHintsMom, having a chair or co-chairs is a must. I find there are lots of people who are willing to help... but not so many to lead. Committee chairs are responsibile for preparing a report, procedures, etc... following their event, or at the end of the year... so of a step-by-step how to for the next year's committee. To include details on expenditures of funds, etc....
22 years 2 months ago#96901by <HelpfulHintsMom>
First look at what programs your PTO sponsors.
Then break your committees by that. Example:
Fundraising, Teacher Appreciation Monthly, Walkathon, Bake Sales, Telephone Tree, Room Parents, Beautification, Spring & Fall Carnival. These are just examples. Then you get the parents with those skills or the ones that want to chair certain committees. It works better if there is a chair and co-chair. Please have them make notes on how they do things so when next years group come in they will have something to go by. I have a event form that came from this forum I will send it to you. Hopefully, there is someone on your board from last year that can help with knowledge.
We are a very unorganized PTO with a growing
membership and have never done committees before. What are the basic committees that we should have? And how does it work? HELP me please! We have new parents that are dying to help but in the past people have a hard time sharing the work. I'd hate for our new parents to get left out so would like to have committees so more people could be involved in some sort of job. Is that what they are for? I have no clue and am a new PTO president. Any info or committee descriptions would be wonderful! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.