I finally got my system back and running... and just sent you a summary of our committee descriptions. Committee Chairs are responsible for everything related to his/her committee... soup to nuts.
Unfortunately, the great majority of our committee folks don't submit anything electronically. If there's a particular committee you're interested in, I let me know and maybe I can synopsize... (or something).
Hi luvmyboys (I love my boys and my girl - had to get that in!) sent email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with our "job descriptions". It's too long to post here, but didn't want you to think you were spammed.
Hi twinptomom. If it's not too much trouble, could you please send me a copy too? Also does anyone one have responsibilities of committee chairs? Thanks a bunch!!
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Hi, I was recently elected President of the Executive Committee for my child's Head Start Program and am searching for ideas to invigorate the parents to getting involved. I am excited about my new role but since it is new, I am looking for as much direction as possible to ensure that I am successful in this role. I realize that it will definitely be a "team" effort but I want to ensure that I am very resourceful and able to provide input and direction as necessary.
Please send me a copy of the forms and documents mentioned here.