You need to find a copy of your PTO's bylaws if they exist. Try the Principal's office if you have no luck elsewhere. These will tell you who is and who is not allowed to vote and a whole lot more information that you will need to know. If no bylaws exist, I strongly recommend you have a committee draft some and by years end have them up and functioning. Call previous Presidents, if you can, to get information as well - I went back 6 years to a previous Prez to get info when I took over ours. Keep your chin up and read everything you can - the more you know, the happier you will be! You can also sit in on some Board meetings to see how they operate to give you an example for yours. Good luck!
Have you tried Robert's Rules of Order? There is a link on here somewhere. I know that a few people on here use them. You might try searching the forum for it.
I make copies of the agenda and ditribute it at the beginning of the meeting. Then I start from the top and work my way down. For each topic I give a brief overview, board discussion and recommendations, ask for questions and comments and if it requires a vote ask for a motion. Someone will make a motion to "do such and such", someone else will second and I then restate the motion and ask for all in favor and all opposed. I do not vote, I am the facilitator for the dicussion and the voting. I then state whether item is passed or denied for the secretary to put in the minutes. We try to keep dicussion at 5 minutes per topic to avoid the meeting going on FOREVER!
Hi Friends
I'm a new PTO Pres. with no paper work from past PTO, Please tell me how to Hold My Meeting in 2 weeks,I have an Agenda typed up, but how do i address each item on it ? and how does the voting work and do i do any voting or does the parents/Teachers do the voting?