I must be crazy,nuts,loco! I accepted the President position for a second term. We spent last year reorganizing and this year promised to be the best one our PTO had seen in a LONG LONG time. I received the new School calandar in the mail and started going through it to mark the days the kids get out early and no school is scheduled so I could make arrangements for thier care while their father and I work. As I am looking through the calandar I am reminded of a Planning Committee Meeting I conducted back in March. I presented information that outlined IDEAS that PTO could do in the future. Everyone liked the ideas so we planed to present it at the next board meeting, which no one came to so we could not vote on anything because we didn't have a quorum. So that was going to be the agenda for our first meeting. However, I was reminded of that meeting because every IDEA I presented was listed on the calandar! Someone, of course nobody know who, assigned dates to the activities and turned them in to be put on the calandar! These were mailed out to every parent in the school! I'm going to be very busy trying to coordinate committees to put these activities in motion!
Now, as if that isn't enough, we ordered T-shirts for back to school night and because of the construction going on at the school we had to set up in a remote location and no one knew we were there, and the Principals were supposed to announce us in the gym and convienently we were overlooked again! We sold 15 shirts! Now I have 300 left in my livingroom and Last year treasurer is refusing to turn over the check book so we can pay for them! I'm going to go to the bank today on my lunch hour and try to get the account changed.
Today is our first day of school, I hope my boys are having a better day than I am!