Good grief !!! Do all ex presidents act this way?? I also got no paperwork, felt like I was pulling teeth to get any information, have to deal with her negative attitude at the meetings, and have to talk over her to keep the meeting rolling!!!! I too feel like she would love to see me fail. I am trying desperately to involve more parents and different parents- not the same ones all the time. Everyone feels like our PTO is a click right now! I really want that to change !!
I have implemented a main file cabinet to keep copies of any and all forms we use, copies of our yearbook, fundraisers, meeting minutes,treasurers reports, buzz book, volunteer forms, catalogs we receive,etc. Basically anything we use. This way when I leave office there will be information for the new president and other officers. Nothing is ever handed down right now and noone is knowledgable about what their position entails. I think the lack of information is what makes for negative attitudes. Everyone gets frustrated and then does not want to help out the next year.
All each of us can do is keep a positive attitude and not let them get to us !!! Difficult as that is !!! Vent at home and keep your conduct professional during meetings !! And as everyone says- remember that it truly is for the kids !!!!!