On our bulletin board we have the following and parents have loved it. They don't make it passed the entry way most of the time that's the drop off point for the children if they are walked in. We have
1) PTO Newsletter
2) Lunch Menu
3) PTO Minutes from last meeting
4) Suggestion box
5) PTO Joining forms and Volunteer Forms
6) The weekly newspaper article about school activities.
It has been great success.
This was the one thing I talked to the Principal about before school started that there needed to be a central location for information with that the school ordered a huge wonderful enclosed case!
We are (well I am ) going to post the different newsletters and board minutes. I also want to put up "The commiment to keeping you informed begins here" Of course I don't trust my spelling but the Principal LOVED the idea and can't wait!
The trick will be keeping it fresh and eye catching to the parents! Someone mentioned a message board for outside....??????? Where do I begin to research for that?
Our school mascot is the Eagle and our membership theme this year was "Soaring to Success with the Edgewater Eagles." On our bulletin board we have our theme and an individual eagle for each member. (The eagle has the members name on it.) It is a great way to promote our membership drive and all of the kids want to see their mom and dad's name, so it has helped increase our membership!
Throughout the year we use it to highlight other events or fundraisers like boxtop displays, Reading Night, Science Night etc...
If you do a Newsletter you could also post it on the board. We have several grandparents that pick the children up afterschool. While they where waiting for the children they could read what PTO has been doing. It also might help if one of the teachers or staff had lost theirs and was wanting to attend one of your functions but couldn't remember the date.
hi, we just got a large board as well. Do you have a school mascot? I decorated ours with plain white paper and then used die-cuts to make a border, I used huskies and pawprints and a cute schoolhouse, some crayons and apples in all different colours. This makes it eye-catching. The header on ours is PTA news in our school colors. I post our budget, the agenda for next meeting, market day, box-tops, grocery programs, events that are coming up (volunteer breakfast, etc). I plan on changing my border monthly, so no-one gets bored. :> ) Good luck. Maggie
Our PTO just gained control of a large bulletin board just outside the main office.
Does anyone have any suggestions for what type of info I should post on this board?