We have about 600 kids at our Elementary School and probably about 450 families. This year we only have 58 paid PTA members (in the past we had about 75).
At our first PTA meeting we had 31 parents and 12 teachers. Last week at our second meeting we were down to 7 parents and only 1 teacher.
We've got about 585 students, which is probably 350 families (that's a bit of guess). About 365 of the kids parents paid membership dues (not sure how many families that is, probably 200-225).
General meetings have not been successful at our school, so we have a large Board of about 35 which are the really active ones. Additionally, about 150 families filled out the volunteer form listing the activities with which they would help (baking, field trips, events, mentoring, etc.) Like most elementary schools, the younger grades tend to have the most active parents.
[This message has been edited by JHB (edited 10-18-2000).]
370 students, 160 dues paying member families and about 35 people who volunteer for some role or another in the group (about 20 people volunteer to staff our fun fair).
To date we have 183 family and single memberships combined. We have approx. 350 students in our school. Not sure of the family breakdown of that #
We have approx 30 to 40 parents in attendance at our monthly meetings and so far to date we have approx 55 volunteers signed up for our various committees during the year.
I am very happy to announce that we have 99% TEACHER membership. I think the 1 teacher left just forgot to join and I will happily remind her tomorrow.
Hope the above info was what you were looking for.
We have about 265 students which works out to be about 195 families, so I guess we have 195 member families. Last year we had 12-20 people show up to meetings and the 1st meeting this year we had over 30. As for volunteers, we have about 45 for the pumpkin fair, 2-3 for wrapping paper, 6-12 for hospitality, 12 or so for family fun night, 12 or so for the talent show, plus other chair people, plus home room parents etc.
Of course many of these are overlapping, multiple jobs per person. Throughout the year I would guess that 1/2 the families volunteer to help with at least one thing.
Just an estimate could you all please post how many members are in your PTO total and then also post how many are actually active in doing projects thank you