Are you an officer in the group or a member privy to this info?
If you're an officer, I would recommend that you address the audit findings at your next board meeting and immediately review and revise(if needed) your financial control policies. If this person did the things you are saying, then there is no way I would want her involved with the finances of the group this year. Pointing out the inappropriate transactions may be enough to make her resign on her own.
If you are a member who has been made privy to this info, then you need to talk with your board members to make sure that the audit findings will be addressed and action taken. If they don't respond, then I would bring up the info in a meeting, but only if I was absolutely sure of my facts and even then I would only provide those facts.
Be careful that you don't start something personal here. Stick with the facts, ask more questions of those in charge, and keep this professional. You want to insure that the money your group raises is spent in accordance with your mission and following your group's bylaws and financial controls, not have a witch hunt that could throw your group into a bad light with your school's parents and staff.
So our audit was done and I was one of the first to know what was found. The former President kept monies for months before a deposit was made, P&L's were not done, and the account was spent down to the very last penny! The vice principal signed a check with this person during the summer- the term had ended yet they were spending our money! Not only that but the VP who is now our Co-Tres. signed checks in excess of By Law limits and for things not in the budget(one given to the office)! Because of this our account is in the hole. The vice principal says she'll give back the check but then wants us to write another one for the same amount from a new account, Hello- no matter what account its written from she was still overpaid. Personally I think the new Co- Tres should step down since she didn't care enough to make sure she was doing right before how is it going to be now? I think she's proven she can't be trusted. And the vice principal needs to be held accountable for spending money with someone who is no longer authorized too. This person works for the school system too- I would think her supervisors would be interested to know how she has acted and the problems she hs caused.
Let me know your thoughts on this situation please.