Hi m2gymmom, I am new to this web site too, I wish you the best of luck with your challenges. Our PTO has their set of challenges too, I imagine most PTO's do. I really like this site too, I am learning so much. Good luck!
Thanks guys!!! It definately helps to know someone is there to help, especially nuetral moms. by the way, mykidsmom, what do you mean you don't want to do this forever??(haha)
p.s. the paper bag really worked!!! I might have to buy stock in them SOON!!!!
Well golly gee shucks if your only causing problems within the PTO LET THEM EAT CAKE!!! (i have forks!!)
Good to hear there ARE by-laws and by all means dust them off and use them! Also great resource to ya if you get in a bind or a "law" doesn't make cense is roberts rules of order has a great web site with a Q&A forum. There may even be a link here for ya or you could google it. (Sorry- I have it bookmarked and it just gives the name).
Now I have to disagree with accountable on this one. There is really nothing wrong with an internal audit at any time!! NOTHING!! You never know what life will bring and it's just nice to know that if something doesn't look right or add up, you have three others to look things over. I wouldn't change that. Also, I would look at it as a nice life jacket to have.
My school started that small and is now a K-12 charter school with 1400!! I miss the 400 kids days....aaaaahhhhh memories!
18 years 7 months ago#103654by <accountable>
m2gymmom - 2 audits per yr by non-finance officer for 120 kid school. you are amazing. we have never had an audit by someone w/o checksigning authority and we have 4 times as many kids. you are probably doing too much, once per yr should be way adequate for an 'external audit'.