I am the treasurer of our PTO, and have been the main support of our president for the past 2 years. However, I am finding myself in a bad situation and need some help from you all.
Our president has been in ill health for quite some time, and our VP stated at the beginning of the term that she would take the position in name only. So that is the reason that I have been functioning as a back-up pres as well as taking care of the financial end. So I get this email from the pres the other day, and apparently there is some he said/she said junk going around (you all know the drill) and pres won't tell me who said what. Supposedly, I have bad mouthed her behind her back (not true) and she is over it but the friendship is gone, blah...blah...blah. This is the 2nd time in 2 years that I have had to defend myself with her over the same garbage (wasn't true last time either, but last time she was willing to talk about it), so OK...whatever! I don't have the fight in me anymore. If she doesn't know me well enough by now to know that I wouldn't do that to her...*sigh*
The thing that has me way confused, though, is her statement regarding meetings:
"no one has time to get a chance to do anything because it is already done when we get there"
The only thing that I do before anyone gets there is run copies of my treasurer's report. She makes the agenda and runs copies when she gets to the meeting. She runs the meeting, and brings up the points on the agenda. If it is something that I have asked her to add, then I will talk about it. Obviously, I know the most about what needs to be said because I was the one who asked for it to be there in the first place. The same goes for anyone else who asked for agenda time, so I am not the only one who does it this way.
What do you all do? Do you treasurers make your own copies, or does your president do it? Does your president do all of the talking about agenda items or does the person who requested time address the issue?
I'm beginning to think this is a personal issue of hers and I am the scapegoat.