Our Recording Secretary is responsible for the meeting agendas. But she e-mails them to the board for review before the meeting and we all get a change to add our 2-cents.
By now it is a pretty standard format - thinigs get added to New business/Old business depending on what fundraisers or activities need to be discussed.
We have a pre-meeting and discuss the agenda for the general membership meeting. The pres puts the agenda together, but emails it to everyone and asks for input. At the pre-meeting the officers hash out details and everyone knows what they are going to say. Basically, the pres calls the shots.
We try our best to stick to agenda. Ha-ha. It is prepared by the prez. & handed out at beginning of meeting. Standard items include 1st on list: Treasurer report. 2nd on list: Secy Report. Then old business. Then new business. Then "Other" --which can be used for most anything that is bothering someone--like trouble on playground/communication problems/food fights in cafeteria troubles/ideas for future events.
It can be a difficult task to stick to the agenda. Takes a bit of effort, as it is easy to get side-tracked by "did you hear the latest?" or complaints, etc.
I always call the board and ask them if they have anything to tell if they were not already on the agenda. The ones that will always be on there will be the president, secretary and treasurer. I ask the principal if she has anything she wants to bring up and if she does, I put her on the agenda. It works out good. I am not one to totally stick to the agenda, it sounds boring if you do.