As we all kick off a new year, let me put in a plea for everyone to make an extra effort towards security and privacy when using email to send notices to parents and work on projects.
Email is an easy and valuable communication tool. But it can also be a source of virus, worms, and other damaging agents. And I know we're all sick of spam.
Security - make sure you have a current virus protection program loaded on your PC and keep it updated. They aren't complicated to load, and there are even some good free alternatives.
Privacy - think before you include a group of email addresses in the TO or CC field. Does everyone receiving the message really need to see all the email addresses? Especially with a large group, it's much better to address the email to yourself or a co-chair and put the bulk of the messages in the Bcc field.
Another avenue to explore would be Google or Yahoo groups. It's very easy to set up a free group for your folks and distribute information that way (allowing one-way announcements or full discussion) without disclosing everyone's email addresses.