I would certainly try a different tax accountant - someone who specializes in small tax exempts. Our community has several CPA's who do a lot of business with PTO's, the local recreation association, the friends of the library, etc. Guidestar (
) is an organization that has info on all tax exempts. You can see if your PTO is listed, and do a search by town name or ZIP code to find all the tax exempts in your area. (Register as a donor.) This might give you some ideas about who to call to get a referal to a CPA who knows what he/she is talking about.
The PTO's in my district have all gone the route of incorporating and then filing as a new organization. I vote with JHB that this is the way to go. You don't mention if you are incorporated, but the liability protection would be really beneficial for a big group like yours.
A note on the $25,000 threshold for filing 990 tax returns. This is not an absolute. According to the "gross receipts test" in the 990 instructions the threshold is:
- up to one year old - $37,000
- 1 to 3 years old - average $30,000 or less
- 3 years old or more - AVERAGE $25,000 or less for the preceding three years