Wow--too much money? We really don't have that problem (heehee), but I checked out the "Blackboard Bucks" and it sounds like something the teachers would like! The link is on this website on the left navigation bar.
There is no IRS requirement about how much you can "carryover". I work for a non-profit that has 65 MILLION (invested).
But LUV is right. Your parents have raised the money and they deserve for it to do some good while their kids are still there, unless you have specific long term goals (such as a playground). I think you will kill your fundraising efforts if parents don't see any good coming from them.
Who told you there was a risk of losing your non-profit status? There was a similar discussion on the forum a few months ago and I swear that it was said that there was no limit as to how much money you could have in your account. Hopefully, one of our resident experts in that are will weigh in.
That said, whether your at risk or not, if you have alarge surplus and nothing special that it is earmarked for, I'd start putting it to good use. Parents can get really turned off from fundraising efforts if they find out the cash is just sitting in a bank account doing nothing to better their children's educational opportunities.
Ask your principals and teachers to put together a prioritized needs and wants list. Then just start going down the list and purchasing items. Or do as the above posters and give each teacher and principal a sum to spend for their school or classroom. Maybe even throw in a really nice family event that is totally paid for by the PTO. That can go a long way in building support and pulling in new members and volunteers.
Our PTA did this as well, they distributed funds to each classroom teacher. I don't think I would go for investing the money if you don't have any long term plans for it. I also wonder whether that would allow you to stay non profit if you had investments. Maybe someone else knows that?? I am sure there is aton of things your school could use....
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
One year, we had alot of money left over, so when the next school year started, we gave each teacher $100.00 to spend on class room supplies. The teachers were thrilled and every child benefitted. The knew that it was a one time thing, so didn't expect it the next year. Just an idea, good luck.