At our old school, we supported Destination Imagination, Art Masterpiece, collaborated with the Highway Patrol and did a safety fair.
At the new one, we help out the Food Bank, had helped Read and Succeed and so far, that is all that I know of but I know that there are other community groups that we could support but being the new person (let alone the Council Pres) I'm trying not to push too much, too soon..
We donate 6-10 board games, chess, scrabble, yahtzee, checkers, etc., twice a year to our after-school kids care. Also, we have two preschools in our elementary school and when we give teachers each $100 for classroom expenses, we include the preschool teachers. Boys Scouts/Girl Scouts use the building, but we don't help them financially.
We support the National Honor Society members (purchase their medals and ribbons) work with the Student Council (HS).
I'm thinking we may be helping with DARE if money gets any tighter for them.
We really try to help the kids programs that are short on fundraiser money.