Ahhh, expenditures. I happen to have a budget right here in front of me. Here are some things: Holiday social, insurance, office supplies, seminar and training (like PTO conference), teacher appreciation, donations to public library, local fire company, local one room school house and local wildlife sanctuary (classrooms take field trips to all those places, or they give presentation to ele.), assemblies, book bags (vinyl things we have made for kids to take home classroom books), chair pockets (a pocket that fits on the back of chairs), class parties and awards, classroom supplies, District technology (this is a biggie - $5,000), Ellison machine dies, field trips, kindergarten orientation, student agendas, teacher allowances, Fourth grade cruise (a pretend cruise for the day for reading lots of books), yearbooks for fifth grade, egg/scavenger hunt, Earth Day, fifth grade ballet (field trip), second grade reading group, author visit, publishing center, Odyssey of the mind, scholarship for HS student.
Balanced budget, @ $23,000 comes in/goes out, school of @ 300 students K - 5.