I'm sorry I forgot the classroom prizes depending on the participation and sales a classroom could earn a pizza party, popcorn party, ice cream party or all three.
.25 - 3.00 candy
3.00 - 25.00 popper toy
25.00 - 50.00 light up fan
50.00 - 75.00 $4.00 book certificate
75.00 - 100.00 T. shirt
100.00 - 125.00 $15.00 gift certificate
125.00 - 150.00 lava lamp
150+ night time party with pizza, swimming,a dance and a jump house
This was what our prize chart looked like last year. It of course is progresive also, so if the child raises 150+ they get all of the prizes. If they raise 55.00 they get the candy, popper,fan and the book certificate. This sounds absurd to me. It's a huge chunk of money for prizes. So as our new board pres. I realy need help lowering this cost.
Are you just needing prizes for the Walk-a-thon? If you are could you let us know what you are spending $8000 on?????? Have you tried renting inflatables? Have you emailed me for the info that I have on this??? If you haven't email me at the above address and I will send you the info that i have. We do this - if you raise $60.00 you get to jump for one hour. If you raise $125.00 or more, you jump all day. We also have a field trip for the students that collect $125.00 or more. We also had a TV and a bike donated from WM and a parent gave the top boy and girl free karate lessons for 3 months.
If you need any more info,please email me.
thanks This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks cdmcgill. I'm tring to find was for us to lower our costs on prizes we currently spend $8,000+ every year. I am all for the kids being rewarded just for less money. If anyone has any other ideas i would realy appreciate the advice.
We gave everyone a t-shirt regardless of donations. We have about 500 students. We solicited sponsors for the back of the shirt. Businesses gave up to $250 for a large sponsorship, other small amounts were available. Families and students could have their name listed for $50. We had quite a few "takers". As for prizes, we went to our local Wal-Mart who was more than generous in giving us two bikes and a few other prizes. Since we were promoting good health and it was for a good cause, they were more than willing to help us out. Other small incentives for highest class were non-pay type items such as extra recess, no homework, lunch with principal, etc.