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Local business donations are a joke!

19 years 1 month ago #83204 by GAPTADAD
Replied by GAPTADAD on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
So, here I am about a month later from my last post. Now, I've gone from $1400 to about $2700 worth of merchandise - all from national companies. While I'm thinking about it, I read on a thread about "banks are good - contact their community relations chairperson". Then, it brought me back to the original title of this post which was "local business donations are a joke". The ONLY bank that responded was the bank where we have our organization's checking account! TEN other banks didn't even respond. Only three out of 24 local restaurants and those were all "franchise" restaurants that I'm sure get their community involvement orders from higher in the food chain.

However, I'm happy and content. I think my auction is going to go well. (It is scheduled for the first week of March.) I've done 100 times better on a national basis than a local basis. I guess these numb nutz in my town don't realize the power of a single donation. If I tell 100 people in a meeting about a kind local business, then each person tells one more person, yada, yada, yada, that one $10 donation can generate hundreds of dollars in extra revenue.

Thought I'd just give a little update since the tone of my previous posts was a little depressing. :D
19 years 2 months ago #83203 by dilizharb
Replied by dilizharb on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
We are a nonprofit 501C3. We hold an annual gala auction which is our biggest fundraiser.
We do a mass mailing, then we call them businesses, and then we go in person. We've also discovered it's BEST to hit businesses up in the fall...BEFORE they have planned their budgets for the upcoming year. Tell them WELL in advance when you'll be having your fundraiser, this way they CAN put it in their budget. We do our fundraiser in March, but we call on them (usually) in fall. Try works! Also we've found it imperative to get a local "celebrity" (we use Mayors, State Representatives, etc...) to be an "Honoary Chair Person" for the event. They are flattered by the invite AND it gets publicity from the papers and locals are more apt to get involved. The movers and the shakers so to speak. Go to your local media as well...send Press Releases, flyers, you have to get the word out! Sometimes you have to be a pest too!
Good luck!
19 years 2 months ago #83202 by GAPTADAD
Replied by GAPTADAD on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
Wow, I love all four of your suggestions! But, for the record, I never stated "hottie". :D On that note, now I think I'm leaning more towards mentioning something in my newsletter to see if family members can get their employers to donate something. I like themed baskets from classrooms but with all the curriculum dictatorship thanks to "No Child Left Behind", teachers are stretched as it is. (My opinion - one standardized pre-test and post-test and let the teachers devise their own curriculum.) So, maybe I'll list general things like "if you know any of the following: hairdresser, oil change place, tire company, mechanic, etc. then ask them to donate to our spring auction. I see all the threads about raising six grand, seven grand, 11 grand, I'm like how in the #!$% did they do that?? So far, what I've received from companies is valued at about $1400 so, I know, stretching it would bring in about 16 or 17. I wonder if there are any kids brave enough to go into these stores?? Anyhow, keep the ideas rolling. I really appreciate them. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
19 years 2 months ago #83201 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
I am not a good letter writer. I haven't had any luck with outside donations. Through the years I've often teased about tight shirts and short skirts but the truth is we are blessed with a very supportive community. Back in the day when I was going out and getting donations I did good to comb my hair. Ha Ha. I have tried some phone calls but I feel that face to face is better than anything. It is harder to say no to someone who looks desperate. But I can take no for an answer. I feel sorry for our local businesses there are 5 schools and numerous clubs and we are a small county. I know some of them are donated to death but they still manage to give a little something.

I love election year. Politicians will give more generously then, trick there is not to leave anyone out so it doesn't look like you are trying to campaign for anyone. They are also more likely to come to a function such as a supper or festival. Gotta love small towns! :cool:
19 years 2 months ago #83200 by Moomduck1
Replied by Moomduck1 on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
I think that you shouldn't hire a hottie either. The person going into the businesses is supposed to be representing the Parent/Teacher organization, and I think most people would wonder why it wasn't a parent. I like the idea of the parent/child team. If you are having this much trouble getting donations, I hate to say think of another fundraiser, but that is a thought. Or else perhaps start off small. Send a note home asking families to contribute items for themed baskets. Ask the teachers to participate by having each class make something to be auctioned off. There are some suggestions in other threads about what they can do. Maybe the first auction just has to be smaller in order to get more people interested in helping with it next time.
19 years 2 months ago #83199 by LUVMYKIDS
Sounds like you live in an interesting community. Where I live the businesses seem to respond better to personal approach. I also think would be more likely to donate to some kids who came into their business than to some hired "hottie". Have you thought of utilizing a parent/student team to go to the businesses? We have some 4th and 5th graders at our school who are very articulate and would be great at going to businesses to solicit donations. Hit up ALL your parents too. I've found some parents that may not want to get deeply involved in the group, but are happy to hit up their employer or a business they frequent for a donation.

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
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