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Local business donations are a joke!

19 years 2 months ago #83192 by GAPTADAD
Replied by GAPTADAD on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
I have taken into consideration many comments I've received over the past three days. I have written a few hotels as well as all the local banks. Some people criticize me for the topic "local business donations are a joke" but one has to realize I sent around 150 letters and received four responses from local business - FOUR! All of them were cafes that are downtown that are more than willing to donate a lunch or two to keep their business thriving. You know what, my feeling is that, if I take the time to write a letter, send you a SASE, volunteer to pick up anything, that you need to have the kajonies to, at least, call and decline my request or scribble it on a piece of paper and return it in the envelope THAT I GAVE YOU. Some of these businesses do not realize the potential a PTA holds. If I announce the kindness and generosity in front of a crowd of 150 people. Then, let's say HALF of those people - 75 - tell a co-worker. Then, that co-worker tells a family member. Then, that family members tell someone at church. Now, you're over 200 new people that know about that business. I know businesses in your area might receive a ton of requests for donations but not where I'm living. In fact, the face-to-face contact is met with "I don't know" which is the general mentality of store clerks in every store at the mall. "Well, can I leave this with you?" (Solicitation letter and Tax ID letter) To themselves -- "Sure, go ahead but I'm going to throw it on the counter and then the trash soon as your goofy lookin' butt walks out the door!" So, hopefully, that gives you a little background on why I phrased the topic the way I did. However, I'm more than content with all the out-of-town businesses and places that have supported my organization.
19 years 2 months ago #83191 by superkrome
Replied by superkrome on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
The best form I have found for soliciting donations is face to face contact. Try to approach the businesses you frequent most along with businesses where your childerens parents work. Remember, your school and your community should be supporting the establishments that support you.
Also, remember to bring a copy of your solicitation letter on letterhead from the school to show the legitimacy of your request.

[ 01-11-2006, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: superkrome ]
19 years 2 months ago #83190 by 34mepto
Replied by 34mepto on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
Gaptadad-thank you for posting! You've said what so many of us want to say. Good thing you got it off your chest here. Good luck with the fundraising. I'm starting mine this week!
19 years 2 months ago #83189 by pottsvillemom
As a pretty successful donation "getter", I will second pals observation. I always go to the businesses personally. I wear a school t-shirt or sweatshirt and I take my kids sometimes. If it's a restuarant I frequent, I ask after I eat there. If it is a business I frequent, I ask after I buy something. If it is a bank, insurance, utility, I ask after I pay a bill.

I try to find a link to our school. An employee who's child goes there or something.

I take a letter with me to leave, but I always contact personally. It is time consuming, but usually successful. I also network constantly. Sports are good for doing that. I notice the businesses that are good about supporting things like that and contact them.

Banks are almost a surefire contributor. Go in and see them and take a letter. We got a cash donation from Regions and a collector coin donation from Bank of America. Local banks also give baskets with stuff or cash.

Good luck and I hope you are more successful. Be gracious even if they say no, because next time they might say yes.
19 years 2 months ago #83188 by pals
Being a previous owner of a small business I needed to respond to this. I now work at another small business, these businesses get hit up more than you can imagine. I would say that we get at least 4 to 5 requests a week. Now that may not seem alot but if you take that 50 dollar donation and times that by 4 and then by four weeks you are talking 800.00 a month=9600.00 a year.For a small business that is alot of money...perhaps businesses in your area are being over hit.

First let me tell you that my boss wont even take a request by a phone call or letter in the mail. She wants to have a letter stating what it is you are doing and for what reason. It also is a big thing if you personally go into the business, and following up in person is a MUST! Don't pester...just follow up...and give it a week or two.

If you go to follow up and things are busy don't get "pissed" off , I have actually seen people get mad because she doesn't have the time right then and there! For the record she usually gives something. My previous principal asked us not to sollecit from local businesses because they are hit up so much(there are 6 schools here) and that when we really decide to do that silent auction they are more apt to say yes.

Good luck and please realize that there are reasons why these small businesses say no.

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
19 years 2 months ago #83187 by raesmom
Replied by raesmom on topic RE: Local business donations are a joke!
In the past i have gone in to a business in my school sweatshirt and sometimes with one of my children. This may seem tricky but a business owner or manager have a hard time saying no when you have child with you. I would also stay away from requesting a cash donation and have stuck with gift certificates or merchindise that we can raffle off or give as gifts.

I found that Mondays and weekends were not the best time to go or at the end of the month. If the person who needs to make the finally say is not in i would leave a letter stating the PTO request and what this donation would be used for,with my home phone number.

Coming from a small town in where everyone, schools,soccer,baseball and on and on ask our local businesses I have found it easiest to see who has donated and try to rotate around the seasons. Looking in the phone book i found that some businesses where not "hit" and was able to get a lot of cash donation from them.

We have also asked parents of children who own local businesses to make donation. We had one family donate $1000. We also had a family who donated $1000 and their place of work matched the donation. (PG&E in California)

Don't forget your service groups. You might have to attend a meeting but will be surprise how you might get a group donation but many business owners are part of the service groups and may make a side donation.

Good Luck sorry this has been so long. I'm an expresident with not much going on know.
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