As much as I hate to ask...
Could I have a copy of a donation letter that received a positive response. I am helping a small..very small new school with a silent auction and this will be our first.
Do you have a list of the companies you emailed? I don't have a lot of luck locally, there are just to many schools asking. What themes do you use for your baskets? Do they get to choose or do you assign? Any help will be much appreciated. My e-mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi, I'm sorry to say that last year I used the list and was turned down from everyone that I mailed to. I ended up with a lot of rejection letters to go through. I have better luck asking locally and I also email a lot of companies and businesses. At least there all I have are emails to delete. Our local sports teams in are always willing to donate somethink autographed, the museums locally always donate 4 free passes for a family to get in, I got a VIP pass to the Regis & Kelly show last year, and our biggest money maker are classroom baskets. I started classroom "theme" baskets two years ago. The first year they made a fair amount but last year we made on average $70.00 per each classroom basket, it was our biggest seller.
I would also like a copy of the donation letter. I am going to be Prez next year, and this is a great site to get excellent ideas. I would love to get a spring carnival organized for next year. Please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..