the principal would "probably REQUIRE membership in the PTA"
The worst thing a school can do, unfortunately its not illegal (a Public School requiring you to join a PRIVATE nonprofit) -- IMHO its UNbeneficial, retarded and unethical (lawsuits pending to get it changed)
No Parent should have to join a Private Nonprofit to be involved in an activity held at a Public school
IMHO it will turn off more parents, community members and stakeholders than it brings in
Schools that opperate with both PTA and PTO how does this work out? Does it cause problems and split the dollar or is it actually beneficial?
Not that I know of, but there could be to NonProfits at one school- IMHO it would be very UNbeneficial, dividing resources, money and ideas
When going PTO do you have to go to the principal and say "hey we are going to be a PTO" and then start the process?
Usually the PTA members decide-- a ton of info on this site about this
What besides "training" (only in "" because I understand that is to be debated) and insurance and reflections does PTA provide? Can those things be effectively duplicated?
Uhhh this is debatable -- IMHO PTA provides nothing (the National training is debatable and similar info can be found free or better; State varies from great to nonexistant) that cant be found elsewhere usually for free -- PTA doesnt provide insurance -- it only helps with the discount yes but not neccessarily better -- the reflections program is nice but there is similar stuff available
Have PTOs had a hard time fund raising because of being unaffiliated with the PTA name?
Absolutely not- in fact it maybe easier because many grants and companies wont donate to PTA (because of Natl's lobbying)