More than a notion.........Let me say first and formost that I have a relationship throughout my scholl and district. I am well known, because I am VERY VERY active with both the parents and the children. Many times FAR FAR beyond a PTO Pres. calling....
You are so right.....and it saddens me to say, but I might not be able to save this one...unfortunately, I don't know how to stop trying.
Because I am so well known in the district, school and community, I don't believe that anything was held back in the meeting. Overall, I believe and agree that 4 days of suspension is far toooooooo much, for any child that experienced this situation, but also as a parent of a child that was testing in the school on the same day, am concerned that this one child's behavior could have caused my child not to do so well.
I am slso very confused....the parent is aparently in denial (why would she not want her child helped). Also did she use me in hopes that she would come out with the upper hand? It is also apparent that this parent might have some issues of her own (maybe mental).
Personally, I feel that a calling has been placed on my life (by a higher power)....what I mean is everytime soething happens in the school, the principal refers them to me. Example: last year a grandparent with all 10 of her grand children enrolled in our school, and they did'nt have uniforms, etc., and it was around Christmas. The principal gave her my number and from their the ball was rolling. Collectively in the school and community I made sure all 10 of her grandchildren had uniforms and an awesome holiday.....then a fire occured at one of the neighbooring apartment complexes and it affected some of the students at our school...again the building principal called me and within 4 days with the help of the school and community I pulled of a benefit concert that grossed a large sume of money along with clothes, housing help, furniture, etc.
The thing is, I don't always know how I am going to see these things through, I just play the cards that I am dealt.
One more important thing is that I love it, everything I do comes from the heart, and I never claim to know it all, because I don't, what I do know is that I have to help, just like with this parent and child, I have to help until I can't help any more, then I have to educate other parents as much as I can on subjects like this so collectively we try not to duplicate behavior.
I guess you can just call me caught up!