Maybe you not meant to be President of the PTO because you have other Priorities!!!! Like starting a No tolerance BULLY PROGRAM!!!! What a great way to show them ALL who and what you are. There are bad people in this world the only thing we can do is prepare our children to deal with these people.
No I didn't win AGAIN!! A grand total of 12 people voted 6 for her, 5 for me and 1 for the other guy that no one knows who he even is. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I did call the school board about her and my son and they are supposed to get with the principal and discuss it.
SHEESH, how awful for you Scooby! I'd put a mini tape recorder in my son's backpack or SOMEthing--the driver can't weasel out of having her own words played back to her. It's a shame that adults don't act like it--some example for our kids.
Good luck. Post back on the elections. We just had ours and thankfully, we now have people on board who seem to be reading from the same page at last.