two to take pictures for the newletter/website one to check the by-laws to make sure that it's being done correctly one principal to get permission to change the bulb from the five school board members four teachers to complain that their bulbs need changed first two people to sign the check to buy the bulb two custodians to hold the ladder one PTO secretary to document the event in the minutes one person to bring snacks and drinks two babysitters three veteran PTO members to tell us how they used to do it - in the good old days two hospitality committee members to send a thank you card when the work is completed two people to research a grant that may pay for the work and materials three people to seek donations from the community
one to do the actual installation of the bulb
so.....31 people (and maybe an additional person to check my math!)
melissa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How many PTOers does it take to Screw in a Lightbulb?
In a Parochial School, only one, but it takes a month because you have to have the approval of the Finance Committee and the Priest before you can do it!