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Letting go can be so hard........

17 years 7 months ago #133800 by LUVMYKIDS
The best thing I ever did for my sanity was be done with serving as an officer on our PTO. Being able to coordinate a a program I really felt passionate about(reading) and picking and choosing other events and programs I really enjoy made this past school year so much fun. It was tough for the first couple of months of the school year and even every once in awhile when I saw things not going like they were expected, but I controlled myself and only gave advice when asked.

Now that both kids will be in middle school, I'm looking for things outside of school. There are tons of organizations that need dedicated, passionate, enthusiastic volunteers if you are looking for something to put your time and talents toward. Plus you are working on a degree that will take you back into the school scene in a whole different way! Good for you and good for the children you will be teaching in the future!!

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
17 years 7 months ago #133798 by ptohyeah
I am officially no longer an officer of our PTO. After 5 years of service, 3 as President, I have had to give it up. I thought I would be relieved, but I'm actually really sad about it. This has been a large part of my life for 5 years. It's going to be really weird in August when all of this stuff is whirling in my head and I don't have to do anything about it. ha ha I will still, somewhat, shadow the new President. But, I AM relieved to not have all the responsibility resting on me. It will be nice to pick and choose what I want to be involved in as I have the time. I have also worked at this school part & full-time for the past 4 years. And from that I have found my passion; educating children. I took the leap last August and started working towards my degree in Elementary Education. That has to be my focus now. But, I am thankful for the experiences as President. They have helped me so much personally and professionally. I know when I become a teacher, I will have a much better understanding about the PTO and what it takes to make it work. PTOtoday has been a tremendous help to me over the years and so have ALL of you with your great ideas and advice!! I have passed on everything to the new Pres. and hope that she finds you just as helpful.

Thanks for everything!
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