Update to my saga: at the school board meeting on Monday my husband brought up the issue that state law gives school boards the right to make dress code policy. It does not give that right to school administrators. Our school board does not have a written policy that allows principals to make dress code policy, so the school board should follow their own policies, as well as the law (Our school is not the only school trying to do this BTW). It was too late in the meeting to make a motion (the super loads the agenda with presentationsto avoid discussions like this) so it is on the agenda for the next meeting and there will be a resolution that the board follow it's own policy and require schools to seek approval before implementing any major policy changes. He's got the votes for it to pass, and I should mention that in the history of this school board, it has never not voted unanimously on a resolution. They are really big on giving the appearance of harmony no matter how heated the behind the scenes decisions are.
So at least now our principal will have to go before the board and make her case and those opposing the policy will be able to be heard as well. At least things are a little more democratic now.
Meanwhile our principal is pretending none of this school board stuff is happening and we are definately going to have uniforms next year, which I think is very unfair on parents.
And I am thinking of how far I can push this

She didn't say what color blue they had to be, she didn't say what fabric except for no denim.So if anyone runs across a pair of sky blue leather pants in girls size 12, please let me know