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We are being railroaded into uniforms! (long)

17 years 4 months ago #138244 by dgreunke
Is this still an ongoing issue? My son started kindergarten this year in Toledo and he has to wear a uniform. Well I am trying to use clothes that I already have due to having 2 other siblings and making enough just to get buy. We received a letter last night stating that if our children wore something that was not approved that they would 1st: get a warning, 2nd: sent home, and third: detention. That is a little harsh I think.
17 years 8 months ago #133642 by beignets
81% low income, and your principal wants to unilaterally push thru a rule that will cost every parent money out of pocket?

She had better have state federal or local funds lined up to implement her idea. I no we as a parent group would never foot the bill for something pushed thru in such a manner.

Railroaded seems like a good term. I hope she has her own coal ($) to implememnt her idea.
17 years 8 months ago #133639 by WFS
As harsh as it may sound, you should (as a PTO) state that you would not support those in need. The PTO funds are to be used for the benefit of the entire school. Whereas only select students would be benefiting from the PTO funds, it is unfair that the PTO budget for annual events could be compromised if the PTO was to pay for uniforms for those that could not afford them. If this is a school board policy or school policy, then they must have a means to support those that have a financial hardship. The PTO should not be sought to pick up the tab when the ENTIRE school is not to benefit nor was the school population clearly and fully aware of the new policy, voting process or potential implications.

I wish you the best of luck on this. Keep us all posted.

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 8 months ago #133637 by writermom
I agree this is not a PTO issue. She brought it up in PTO because we are the most involved parents and she wanted to test the waters. At our PTO meeting this week,she brought a slew of teachers who normally never come and announced the vote was in favor ofthe new dress code--well of course it was, when you skew the votes! I knew she was going to bring it up and I asked my officers, who are typically the only parents there, not to respond. Just let her have her say and move on. We are fighting this at the school board level now. I have never used PTO to fight this, nor have I acted like I represent PTO in this matter. Nor would I.

I have heard nothing about a plan to aid low income families, which state law requires,and we are 81&#37; low income. One of the PTO members approached me about PTO helping out with this and I replied that first we need to wait and see how the school board responds (I am about 60% sure they are going to shoot it down) But if it passes, we would need to see the plan the office has for dealing with this and a proposal for them on what they want PTO to do. But as far as I'm concerned, this is the principal's mess and she is going to have to deal with it.

It's fairly clear that she has not thought this through, because she has addressed none of the things you have mentioned. And now she is going to have to go before the school board and answered all of those questions you posed, and more. And we have parents willing to go and speak about how much of a hardship this will be, including the parents of some disabled children. This is not over yet :)
17 years 8 months ago #133606 by WFS
I would like to know if your principal considered the fact that since this is a public school, what happens when a family cannot afford to purchase the school uniforms? Is that child denied attending school? There are some that may qualify for reduced or free lunch programs which would mean that the school board or school would have to fund the purchase of the uniform. Costs cannot be imposed on the family when they have proven to be low-income.
What happens if a child is allergic to the fabric of the clothing that has been selected?
What is to stop the children from buying uniforms too large and still wearing them baggy & with the crack showing? What will she do then--wedgies?

It seems to me that she used the PTO for her own personal agenda. Your meeting should not have been a means for her to get on her own soapbox and preach about the proper way to dress. And you can't use the PTO to fight a school policy either.

Why hasn't she sent home a memo to parents explaining what the proposed change is, the proposed dress code, costs of uniforms and then hold a parent meeting in the evening so those with concerns can be heard? She must also outline what will happen if a child does not wear the uniform or conform to the dress code. She's done nothing up to now to enforce the district policy, so how does she plan to enforce this new policy?
In the meantime, spread the word about the proposed new policy and the next board meeting so you have parents in attendance. Whether for it or against it, there is a way of being fair and considerate about a major change effecting the school population and there is a way of being a bully about it.

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 8 months ago #133566 by writermom
Well, I actually do know why the BOE says and does husband is on it, and they were all quite startled to hear this is going on. And it is a rule that motions cannot be made after 9:30 O(by the time this wasbrought up it was after 10 and the meeting had gone on already for 5 hours), so that is why it's going on the next agenda. We are a balanced calendar school, so we go back the third week of July--this will have to be resolved in some way by then.

I agree that too much time is being wasted on this when there are so many more important issues. But, man, I can't sit still when I see an injustice being done--and the way this is being done is an injustice to a lot of our families.

I so like your idea,President Jim. I can see we think alike:)
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