To all who've responded--THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Michelle--I love you. Will you marry me? [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I downloaded the link, and plan on perusing it this week. But where do I take it from there? To my PTA pres, whom I love dearly, but will want to strangle me for causing waves, and most definitely NOT move to take this topic on? As a letter to the principal perceived as a "smarty pants" upstart's way to make life difficult and disrupt the smoothly running well-oiled machine my school already is
? The problem here is that the principal considers this HER school, and that only
she is educated and intelligent enough (and I suppose she might include the staff if they agreed with her) to decide what is the best for my child's education.
Let's face it, parents involved in the classrooms is a double edged sword--it's great to have the helping hands, but then you also get the kooks and know it alls and TRUE trouble-makers in there. And I think most disturbing of all, to my staff and principal at least, is that once parents get involved, they REALLY see what's going on--and if they don't like what they see (or DON'T see)....
Now, when I contact the school district about their policy, who do I reach out to--Curriculum or the Superintendent? Our site, while well-intentioned, is sorrily lacking in many areas. This is a big "obstacle" for me to take on, so I'm going to try to get all my ducks in a row and be educated on all the pros and cons to be well-armed for battle. ANY AND ALL input in this area is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!
How do you all deal with parents in the classrooms? I'm assuming a general call goes out to the parents, but who handles their organization? Do they need to sign confidentiality contracts?
Should they be collecting and CORRECTING homework?
[ 12-14-2004, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: kmamom ]