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getting fed up with our Principal

18 years 1 month ago #62708 by <busymomma>
Replied by <busymomma> on topic RE: getting fed up with our Principal
"If parents know when the meetings are and that they need to be present to vote and they still don't attend the meetings then I'd assume that they're just fine with letting the attendees make the decisions for them."
Thats assuming one can make the meeting and for that lots of folks need spouses schudeules to agree, and own work and or family life needs to hav no conflict on vote day etc etc. lots of little things prevent parent turn out at meetings, so a proxy vote sounds like a great way to go if you have such low overall attendance. And once you do that, and you get no increased voting, then you know a little more about parent involvemnt at your school.
18 years 1 month ago #62707 by <busymomma>
Replied by <busymomma> on topic RE: getting fed up with our Principal
I think instead of calling it a Home Ballot, you should call it by it's correct name- a proxy vote.
18 years 1 month ago #62706 by CrewChief
Oh, see, now you've lost me to the other side..... ;)

Seriously, now that I know it's the library, I'm a bit more symathetic to the extra funds going her way. As the library serves the entire school, at least the funds are impacting all of the students and not just one classroom.

Still, that doesn't answer your questions.

Maybe the principal had second toughts about the legality of mail ballots but can't say he missed it the first time around. Now he's backpedaling to try to save face. That's weak but at least you know what you're dealing with there. Let him have his chat with the attorney and get back to you with his decision. Bottom line, if he says you can't send them home through the school then you can't and another system has to be developed. If he says you can, and it's in line with your bylaws then I personally wouldn't know if it's 'kosher' or not. Perhaps someone more familiar with bylaws and Robert's Rules will share some advice.

Personally, I'm not a fan of them because it seems to me that it leaves things wide open for fraud and mismanagement.

Here's the thing. If parents know when the meetings are and that they need to be present to vote and they still don't attend the meetings then I'd assume that they're just fine with letting the attendees make the decisions for them.

I say set the agenda one week ahead of the meeting and post it and/or send it home. If parents see an issue they'd like to vote on then they should come to the meeting.

[ 01-04-2007, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: CrewChief ]

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
18 years 1 month ago #62705 by antelala
I have never heard of a home ballot. This would not work for our group considering we are a large school (+/-750 students) and every parent of every student is considered a PTO member.

From what I understand, if you are your own non-profit and you have your own tax id # then you are in the right to make your own decisions. It has nothing to do with the school attorney. However, I do agree with Writermom

It doesn't matter what kind of group you have, nonprofit or not, if you're talking about sending stuff home. The principal usually has ultimate authority over that, as he should since he's the one who gets the nasty phone calls when parents get mad.

Check your bylaws... that is where you want to look for guidance when it comes to a Principal or any other officer or members role. I know that in our by-laws it states who the Executive Committe is (Pres, VP, Sec, Tres, Principal/VP and at least 1 Teacher Rep). The Executive Committee oversees the group, but is also allowed "to conduct, manage and implement the affairs and business of the XYZ PTO and to make rules and regulations not consistant with law or bylaws."

I really like CrewChiefs response

May I suggest that you change the policy for requesting large amounts - say, over $100. I'd probably ask that any allocation requests over $100 need to be submitted in writing one week prior to the meeting. Then I'd let parents know about it so they can make it in to vote...

Or change the policy to state that any requests over $100 not allocated in the budget are subject to approval (by vote) from the Executive Commitee.

Question... how come you don't vote??
18 years 1 month ago #62704 by PTOMomof three
The Principal is telling us he doesn't think we can do a home ballot. He needs to talk to the School Attorney.

Has any of you heard of home ballots? Seeing how we are a Private organization and all of our members are for this, does he have the power to say at one of our meetings, you can's count those votes?
18 years 1 month ago #62703 by PTOMomof three

We are a totally independent organiztion, like a registered non profit with your own taxID number

Message Board Maniac
Member # 9293

Yes you were reading it right, he approved the letter that went home to the parents explaining the idea. He has to approve everything that goes home. Not a problem for us. That is why we are shocked that he pulled the "I don't know what you are talking about." with the School Committee. Thanks for you in put!

PTO Hall of Fame
Member # 11309

Our Principal does have to approve every request that comes to us. So he does see this persons requests. Actually, she is the school Librarian. She gets an allowance of up to $350.00 a year. Last year she went over that allowance. She told our Treasurer that she was "shy" last year and will come to us for a lot more this year!
Thanks for you ideas!
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