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getting fed up with our Principal

18 years 1 month ago #126673 by momofbobcats
I like the suggestion of sending agenda home with what fund requests are going to be up for a vote the week before. If people don't show when they see that, they really don't care either way on the decision to be made and those at the meeting can take care of it.

At home ballots can be hard, even if you set a deadline date for getting them back you can get a lot of backflack on a vote that way.

Definitely set some amount limits on requests for individuals and for what is allowed at a time. That will help some.
18 years 1 month ago #62713 by CrewChief
I know - that's kinda weird to restrict the officers. Some groups do limit the president to voting only during a tie, which I'm fine with. I was president of a Junior Women's Club and that's how we worked. The president was to act as moderator, remain neutral during discussions and vote only in the event of a tie.

If I were PTOMom, I'd look into revising the bylaws to allow officers to vote. The officers are also members and parents and should have a voice. I would think that the no vote rule would limit the number of folks even interested in running. I wouldn't.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
18 years 1 month ago #62712 by <busymomma>
Replied by <busymomma> on topic RE: getting fed up with our Principal
CC- NO offense taken! this is a group that is trying to boost voter input, thats where my thinking was coming from.....of course its alwasys better to attend and discuss and vote in person.
I think each leader should be able to cast one vote, I never heard of a group where parents can vote but not the leaders.
18 years 1 month ago #62711 by PerusingwithCoffee
Like CC, the ByLaws we created last summer stipulate that all voters must be present at the time of the vote. We had too many perception issue with the whole idea of proxy use.

Our thoughts were that if an issue was of concern, those people should be coming and sharing. It's worked for us. We have increased our attendance since we implemented the new process. I'm sure that this isn't the sticking point that has brought more people in; however, the fact that they are now coming does give them the voice they want.

Nonetheless, your question is inregard to following your bylaws. If you followed your procedures, then yes you may move forward with the proxy ballots/voting process.

The principal does have the authority to stop the ballots from going home in backpacks. However, I noted your original posts states:

We would then send out the ballots to the parents, either by e-mail or paper.

Maybe you need to look at making this an email type proxy and keep the paper process out of it. The idea of both email & paper may also make it more cumbersome. I responded by email and then sent the paper copy too! type issue. Just a thought ;)
18 years 1 month ago #62710 by CrewChief
busymomma - my sincerest apologies if my post made you feel like I don't appreciate the tight schedules that many families have. I didn't mean any disrespect. Surely it's inconvenient for members to show up to meetings for the off chance that an issue that's important to them will come up for a vote. Perhaps that's one reason why many members don't show up. But that decision is made with the knowledge that they leave the voting power with the folks who do attend.

My last team clearly stated in the bylaws that no vote is allowed by proxy. A bylaws ammendment would need to take place to allow them.

With that in mind, I always prepared the agenda a week early and distributed it via email to the voting members. But CapeDad shares a valid concern. Many members wouldn't even come to the meeting if they didn't see an agenda item that interested them!

Mrs.inConn - thanks for sharing the proper term with PTOMom. Perhaps you could share a little more of your knowledge of proxy voting with us?

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
18 years 1 month ago #62709 by CapeDad

Originally posted by <busymomma>:
"If parents know when the meetings are and that they need to be present to vote and they still don't attend the meetings then I'd assume that they're just fine with letting the attendees make the decisions for them."
Thats assuming one can make the meeting and for that lots of folks need spouses schudeules to agree, and own work and or family life needs to hav no conflict on vote day etc etc. lots of little things prevent parent turn out at meetings, so a proxy vote sounds like a great way to go if you have such low overall attendance. And once you do that, and you get no increased voting, then you know a little more about parent involvemnt at your school.

As long as proper notice is given of the issues to be brought up at the meeting, if members choose to not make the meeting a priority, it is tough nuts for them. As I understand procedure, that's the truth. I would (move to) allow a letter sent to an officer in advance to count as a vote if someone sent a letter stating their position (unless debate somehow changed the issue).

I think proxy voting is a great idea. We won't do it, because then even the handful of people that show up might ditch and there'd be noone at any meetings. :)

If we did consider it, however, our principal would get her usual one board member vote. If we sent a widespread communication for the ballot, of course she'd have to approve it.

But, we use PTO Manager to 'register' our members. If they register, they can vote. So, I would send out a personalized letter to each registered member describing the issue, offering options, and asking to send their vote before a certain day. That would help alleviate fraud concerns, as well.

I would want a procedure in my bylaws somewhere first, though.

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