At both the elementay school and the middle school we hand out copies of our agenda along
with the minutes from the previous meeting and a copy of the treasuers report.
WOW I am really doing a lot of work compaired to some of you! Our minutes are posted in the monthly newsletter, read out loud at the meeting AND avaible to parents (with the adjenda) at the meeting. We read the minutes of the last meeting, treasurer's report, committee's reports THEN go into our old business.
We don't read them out loud. But we do send a copy home about a week before the meeting with a reminder. I always have extra copies available for review at the meeting itself. we just ask for approval or changes as our first order of business. Our meetings are already long enough and that is one thing you can do at home before getting to the meeting. It has gotten a positive response from our BOD.
We include an advance copy with the meeting reminder and agenda that goes home in backpacks a few days before. Then we have copies at the meeting. In our group, we always seem to have a fair number of people who read them and suggest corrections, so we would not be likely to change this and take meeting time.
We have always read our bylaws outloud during our meetings and therefore, caught the majority of the corrections then. We tried to dispence with reading them and saw that it was a waste of paper and hardly anyone was reading them. Even when people read the minutes they did not mention any corrections.