We try to read the minutes out loud at every meeting. (I am amazed at how many times there are corrections.) Special circmumstances to arise. If the minutes are very long or if there is a lot of business to attend to we will take a motion from the floor to dispense with the reading of the minutes. (Usually decided at the executive board meeting and one of them makes the motion.) At that time we assign a committee to review the minutes later. Maybe they do not like it because the are so long. On our council site we have 25 pointers for secretaries that goes over what should and should not be in the minutes. Go to www.myschoolonline.com/page/0,1871,0-163653-41-40092,00.html
. Best Wishes
[This message has been edited by plw (edited 06-12-2001).]
Quick survey - everyone answer!
Does your PTO secretary read the minutes outloud at each meeting, or are they simply made available in hardcopy for review? R.R.O. says they should be read aloud, but I got flack when I tried it. What about everyone else?