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Sample By-laws Sites

20 years 5 months ago #55551 by <jessi>
Replied by <jessi> on topic RE: Sample By-laws Sites
How can I find the bylaws for Massachusetts?
20 years 10 months ago #55550 by Rockne
Replied by Rockne on topic RE: Sample By-laws Sites
Hi -

In reference to these last two posts, there aren't specifically mandated bylaws for either a private Christian school or an Alabama PTO. Each independent parentg roup is independent and able to write its own bylaws.

In this thread you'll find lots of samples that can help you get a feel for what other groups are doing. On this site, you'll also find several best practices tips for writing your own. You can use the search feature to help in your research.

Good luck,


PTO Today Founder
20 years 10 months ago #55549 by Lisa Exum
Replied by Lisa Exum on topic RE: Sample By-laws Sites
21 years 2 days ago #55548 by PTFMommy
Replied by PTFMommy on topic RE: Sample By-laws Sites
Does anyone have any bylaws that can be used for the structuring of a parent teacher fellowship (PTF) in a private christian school?
21 years 2 weeks ago #55547 by IMovePeople
Replied by IMovePeople on topic RE: Sample By-laws Sites
While I will do my best to respond to requests for simple by-laws as I've done in the past - here are the ones we develped when starting a new PTO at a new school a year ago.




The organization is to be known as the Liberty Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (LEPTO).



Our objective is to provide the students of Liberty Elementary the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential in a stimulating environment through the cooperative interaction of parents, teachers, and community.



This organization shall provide service for school functions, engage in fundraising projects, encourage parent, teacher, and community involvement, and cooperate with school administration in providing educational opportunities.



Section 1. The Liberty PTO shall be composed of parents and guardians of students attending Liberty, as well as teachers, school administrators and community members who have an interest in the well-being of the school and its students.

Section 2. Voting privileges will be extended to all members present at the general PTO meetings.

Section 3. No dues shall be collected.



Section 1. The officers of the organization shall make up the executive board.

Section 2. The executive board is the entity charged with the management and responsibility for the organization. The board shall establish the objectives of the organization and determine the policy for the development of the objectives.

Section 3. The order of the succession for Liberty PTO Executive Board shall consist of:

Vice President
Communication and Social Activities Coordinator

Section 4. No member shall hold more than one office at a time, and no officers shall be eligible to serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms. An officer may continue in their position for one year after their term expires if a replacement cannot be found.

Section 5. Two people working together may hold any office, other than President or Treasurer.

Section 6. The officers shall be elected by ballot to serve for a term of one year.



Section 1. Duties of the Executive Board

a. The Executive Board will generally manage the affairs of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
b. Prepare the yearly budget subject to the approval of the general membership to be presented no later than the second meeting.
c. Shall approve expenditures within the budget limits up to $500.00. All expenditures above $500.00 must be approved in a general meeting by the majority of those PTO members present.

Section 2. Duties of the President.

a. Shall preside at all regular, special, and Executive board meetings.
b. Shall have the authority to co-sign checks.
c. Shall coordinate the works of the officers and committees in order that the objectives and policies may be promoted.
d. Shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie at all board and membership meetings.

Section 3. Duties of the Vice President

a. Shall be responsible for the coordination of fund raising efforts of the PTO.
b. Shall act as an aide to the President, represent him/her upon request, and assume the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
c. Shall automatically become president if that position is vacated for any reason.

Section 4. Duties of the Communication and Social Activities Coordinator

a. Shall be responsible for the organization and execution of Public Relations.
b. Shall be responsible for the organization and execution of the hospitality committee.
c. Shall be responsible for the coordination of the social programs.

Section 5. Duties of the Secretary

a. Shall record and present the minutes of all meetings of the PTO and the Executive Board.
b. Shall make available copies of meeting minutes for review and approval.
c. Shall be responsible for preparing the monthly newsletter.
d. Shall be responsible for maintaining a record keeping system, for the safe keeping of the minutes and other legal documents.

Section 6. Duties of the Treasurer

a. Shall receive all monies of the organization; keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and make disbursements as authorized by the organization, Executive Board or committees, in accordance with approved budgets and receipt of vouchers.
b. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and the President or appointed Executive Board member.
c. Shall present a written financial report at each business meeting during the school year.
d. Volunteers who sign a statement certifying its correctness shall examine the Treasurer’s books at the close of the school year.
e. In an emergency or under special circumstances the board may be given the responsibility of his or her duties.
f. Shall prepare all necessary tax returns and maintain exempt status.



Section 1. Committees may be created by the Executive Board as may be deemed necessary to promote the objectives and policies and carry out the work of the Organization.

Section 2. These committees shall report directly to the Board member responsible for that committee, and shall perform such duties as delegated and approved by the Board.

Section 3. Written progress reports may be presented at the general meetings by a committee member.

Section 4. Project monies. All individual committee/event/project monies must be counted and verified by the Treasurer and the committee chairperson.



Section 1. General meetings of this organization shall be held monthly with the day and time to be fixed by the Executive Board at its first meeting of the year.

Section 2. Executive Board meetings will be held prior to the general meeting, with the time and date fixed by the Board. Meeting dates will be announced.

Section 3. The President with prior notice may call special meetings.



Section 1. Any current member of the Liberty Elementary School PTO shall be eligible for elective office for the subsequent school year.

Section 2. Nominations for officers will be accepted at the March general meeting. If any officer positions remain vacant after the March meeting, a nominating committee appointed by the Executive Board will seek out interested nominees through any and all means possible. A slate of officers for election will be presented at the April general meeting.

Section 3. A slate of nominees will be published through the newsletter prior to the May general meeting.

Section 4. Voting shall be done by ballot at the May general meeting; a majority vote shall rule.

Section 5. A term of office shall run concurrent with District 300 fiscal year.

Section 6. Any vacancy in an elective office, except President, shall be filled by a member of the PTO, excluding current Executive Board members, and shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 7. A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice President.



Section 1. These By-Laws and/or Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by two-thirds vote of its members present and voting, provided amendment has been presented at a previous general meeting and published in the PTO Newsletter.

Section 2. Approved amendments are to be enacted immediately and may be retroactive where applicable.

Approved: (Date) ______________________________________


____________________________________ ______________________________
21 years 2 weeks ago #55546 by PRESAGAIN
Replied by PRESAGAIN on topic RE: Sample By-laws Sites
We don't have our Bylaws on a website but they are short and sweet so I'll post them here. We are forming a committee to update them as we need to add/change a few things to meet our needs and cover situations come up but were not covered under the Bylaws at all. Hope they might help get someone started in the right direction. We are a Parent and Faculty Association in Napa, California.

Rae...and here you are:

El Centro Parents and Faculty Association
Bylaws and Standing Rules
Revised October 2002

Article 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be El Centro Parents and Faculty Association herein referred to as PAFA.

Article Two – Object

To Bring closer relations between the home and the school, so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of the children.

Article Three – Purpose

To serve as a means of raising funds for the benefit of the children and the school.

Article Four – Policy

This organization shall be guided by rules issued by the State of California and the PAFA Board. This organization shall be non-profit, non-partisan, and non-secretarian. This organization operates on an integrated basis, without discrimination.

Article Five – Membership

Parents, teachers and others in the community interested in the objectives of the El Centro Parents and Faculty Association, shall be eligible for active membership upon payment of dues. A member shall have the privilege of making motions, voting and holding office.

Article Six – Elected Officers

Section A – Titles

1. President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

2. Duties of Officers:
a. President – Shall preside at all PAFA meetings, shall appoint various Committee Chairmen and shall appoint vacancies of officers with the approval of the PAFA Board.
b. Vice President – Shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. Acts as the Chairman of the membership Committee and shall help appoint chairmen of approved projects and help oversee their progress.
c. Secretary – Shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the PAFA Board. Shall be prepared to refer to the minutes of the previous minutes when needed. Shall prepare a summary of all unfinished business for the use of the President, and will post the minutes of the monthly PAFA meetings in the office.
d. Treasurer – Shall receive all money of PAFA, deposit them in the PAFA bank account, receive all bills, keep an accurate accounting of all money received and dispersed; shall report monthly in writing to the PAFA meetings. All checks shall be signed by any two (2) of the elected officers.

3. Each outgoing Officer shall present a resume of their responsibilities to the newly elected Officer and assist them as needed.

Section B –

1. PAFA Board will oversee:
a. Standing Committee Members - See Standing Rules, Section C.
b. Business – The PAFA Board shall conduct the affairs of the organization, not inconsistent with the laws and bylaws.
c. Dispersement of Funds – The PAFA Board shall be able to authorize the expenditures of money up to $100.00 without the approval of the full membership. There is a gift limit of $35.00 without full membership approval.
d. Term – The term of office shall be for one year, beginning with the installation in August and ending the following August. Officers shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same position on the PAFA Board.
e. Removal – An officer may be removed from office if absent from three (3) consecutive meetings, or by a majority vote of the membership for failure to fulfill the duties of their office.
f. Vacancies – Vacancies of office will be appointed by the President with the approval of the PAFA Board and membership.

Article Seven – Nominations and Elections

Section A –
Nomination Committee – The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three (3) members at the February PAFA Meeting. The nominating committee shall present the slate of officers to the PAFA Board at the March Meeting. Members of the nominating committee shall not be on the ballot running for office of any kind.

Section B –
Election of officers – The officers of this organization shall be elected by a plurality vote by secret ballot, office by office, tallied at the April meeting.

Article Eight – Amending the Bylaws

Section A – Dues
The dues shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per family and should be paid at the start of the school year for membership that school year.

Section B – Meetings
The day of the PAFA meeting will be decided upon by the PAFA Board at their first meeting.

The PAFA Board shall meet in regular session once monthly. Special meetings of the Board may be held at the discretion of the President at any time by notice personally given, or by mail, at least two days prior to the special meeting.

Special meetings of the membership may be called as needed by the President, provided that they are requested in writing, signed by 3 persons of the membership, and given at least three days notice.

Section C – Standing Committee Members

1. Hospitality
2. Publicity
3. Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council Representative (PAC)
4. Historian
5. Yearbook Editor
6. T-shirt Coordinator
7. DARE Liaison
8. $crip Coordinator
9. Fall Fund-raiser
10. Spring Fund-raiser
11. Jog-a-thon Coordinator
12. Traffic Patrol Liaison

a. As the need arises, the President may create other committees.
b. Each outgoing Standing Committee Member shall present a resume of their responsibilities to the newly appointed committee member, and assist them as needed.

Section D – Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed at all meetings and shall govern in all matters not covered by these bylaws.

Section E – Amending Standing Rules
Standing Rules may be amended by a majority vote of the membership present at any meeting, to become effective immediately.

Section F – Field Trips
All classes will be provided on (1) field trip per school year, to be paid by PAFA.

Section G – Voting
Voting matters may be carried out by sending ballots home with the students or being voted on by a majority at PAFA meetings.

Section H – Money on Hand at the End of School Year
If there is a large balance in the PAFA checking account at the end of the school year, it will be up to the PAFA Board to decide if it would be worth getting a 3-month C.D.

Section I – Auditing Books
The Treasurer’s books should be audited by a committee of PAFA members each June, to be chosen at the May meeting.

Section J – Fundraising
Fundraising projects should be undertaken with a specific goal in mind.


As a matter of saving time, most committee reports of any length should be presented in writing.
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