Question: Welcome Back for Staff
We were going to hold a welcome back breakfast for the staff for their first day of school. Just found out that the Superintendent usually supplies breakfast for them. What do other PTO's do for their staff as a welcome back?
Asked by joycemomof3
Community Advice
michelleworkman writes:Why not do a luncheon or maybe a Teacher Kit? Pinterest has some great ideas for a Back-To-School kit for teachers that has little things teachers would appreciate. Things like chocolate, Tylenol, markers, and so on. Good Luck!
Community Advice
Cyndi63 writes:Our Superintendent does the same for our staff. So we are going to put goodies in the teacher's break room starting on the 2nd day the teacher's are back. That just lets them know we care about them too. They can come and go all day while having meetings or getting things ready.
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