PTO President
There is an individual serving as the PTO president at two schools and the PTA president at two other...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Proper Practice?
We are a newly formed PTO with 501c3 status. Our school has directed clubs/sports teams to funnel their...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Disbanding Meeting/Vote- Inform Parents
Our Board met with the local council regarding disbanding. They have requested a "script" that we will...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
School secretary is also the treasuer
Our small school secretary is also PTO treasurer. There’s been some red flags that started with a bingo...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Does/Can the PTO pay for items for a school garden?
The school's garden group (they have not designated themselves as a club) is requesting funding for soil...
Asked by nurse4or in Finance & Budget
Dissolved PTO will not cooperate and give us the bank information so we can...
All I know is one of the lady's that helped run the old PTO has a grudge she got let go and she refuses...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
School closing
Our middle school campus is closing. They are consolidating the 7-8 with the High school 9-12 to be a...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
president of small metings
can president of small organizations be on hiring committee?
Asked by pudgy95 in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Does anyone have any templates for formally resigning as the Treasurer? I don't want to stay and don't...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Pto pta merger
Our district is combining elementary schools. Two of the schools are represented by the pto. School...
Asked by in Nonprofit Status & Organization