Teachers & PTO tax return
I'm in California. I am a teacher at my school site and I have been involved in re-developing our PTO....
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Our PTA president resigned and we did not have a Vice president, we only had a secretary and treasurer....
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Parent Forum - Best Practices?
Hi there,
I will be the Vice President for our PTO this upcoming year and tasked with finding a productive...
Asked by lizziekall87@gmail.com in Communications
Pay to play?
Is it legal for a PTO to require paid membership in order to volunteer for PTO-sponsored events? Aren't...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Excess funds in our PTO account
We've raised a lot of money this year, but are limited to what the Principal is allowing us to spend...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Current PTO giving away extra funds and taking away monies to go towards ne...
When a current PTO board is ending, but some want to lower the budget which then affects next years budget...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
PTO members serving on Board Committees
Can members of the PTO serve on board standing or ad hoc committees?
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Parent Forum without Principal Approval?
We have a group of parents that would like to express some concerns and are looking have a parent forum...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Executive board positions
Hi, can sister in laws be on a pto board together?
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Officer Term Length
Our bylaws state this (and only this when it comes to terms) "Officers elected shall assume their official...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition