What are the duties and roles for a Historian? What kid of posters can I create being a Historian representative?
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Playground funding and number
I am trying to understand how playgrounds are funded and I chanced upon the PTO website. Is there...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
how soon does the insurance go into effect after purchasing it? How do I go about purchasing it?
Asked by Amityj in Finance & Budget
prizes for carnivals
What are some fun, inexpensive items to give out at carnivals?
Asked by casersmom in Events, Programs, & Activities
Are PTO's and PFC's accountable and if so...to whom?
I am an active volunteer and I served on the board of our schools pfc for one year. Their bylaws are...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Compaines who will donate to High School Boosters Club
Does anyone have a list of compaines who will make donations to High School Boosers Clubs? We are doing...
Asked by Baseball~Mom in Fundraising
Advice for apparent intra-board conflict?
Hello, I was selected to serve on the board for a brand new PTO organization for a brand new school....
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Our PTA is trying to raise money for a playground. So far we have raised approximately $25,000 of the...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Cash gifts to teachers from PTO
Our school historically has given teachers a cash gift of $25 on the first day of school. An administrator...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Class Room Enrichment program- reimbursement
Should we for proper documentation stop handing out cash to teacher for classroom reimbursement? Should...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget