Kid games
Need game ideas for 1st graders and kindergardeners for there fall harvest party please help we will...
Asked by Megsmth3 in Events, Programs, & Activities
Childrens games
can someone please give me game ideas for a kindergarden and 1st grade class fall harvest party please...
Asked by Megsmth3 in Events, Programs, & Activities
PTO Memberships
As a board member when we ask families to become members what are incentives for them by becoming members...
Asked by mpallares in Events, Programs, & Activities
How to continue as a functioning PTO!
We have no nominated or running PTO officers as of date. the Principal and a few parents want to start...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
If a PTO is not being run according to the established by-laws, with an absentee president, no elected...
Asked by Peg in Leadership
Role of school principal
Does a PTO member have to clear a matter with the school principal before it is put on the agenda or...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Middle Level Parent involvement
Hi everyone! I am an education major and I'm currently in a middle-level education course. As one my...
Asked by Anonymous in Teachers
Donation to another charity
Are we allowed to make a donation to a charity with fundraised money?
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
Grants for high school field trips
Can you guide me towards any grants that give money for high school field tips to colleges, and cultural...
Asked by mommysheryl in Fundraising
how to use template to create a parent newsletter
Asked by Carrie B. Wright in Events, Programs, & Activities