Tax Id Not valid
Ok so I have a question. I just got off the phone with the irs and they told me the tax number was no...
Asked by Countrygirl in Finance & Budget
Best Web Hosting Sites
We are starting our own website and I would like to know some of the better web hosting sites.
Asked by krzmom in Communications
All of the above
I am wondering if someone can help me. I have tried to get information from the current treasurer (note:...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
What should we use to identify volunteers at PTO events?
Our PTO would like to give T-Shirts to our volunteers for them to wear when they are volunteering for...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Helping at Fundraising Events
Your school is having a fundraising event and you ask for volunteers. You have you volunteers all listed...
Asked by suzptohelp in Events, Programs, & Activities
Does anyone have a Sunshine Fund?
We live in a small town & in the past we gave gift cards from the local market to families that had a...
Asked by oceanpackrat in Finance & Budget
How Long???
How long can a committe member be in one position on your P.T.O. Board with out being replaced?
Asked by Mich3ll5 in Bylaws
Bully of the group?
There is someone in our association who took it upon herself to single out another officer. One of the...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Silent Auctions
I am trying to organize a silent auction for our school. What time of year tends to be the most successful...
Asked by lcourtright in Fundraising
Gift letter to school disctrict for large donation
Our PTO is planning to purchase a new Outdoor LED sign to replace the current one at our school. This...
Asked by dstryker in Finance & Budget