Can yo uever go back to being a PTA once your go PTO?
We are considering dissolving our PTA and forming a PTO. If several years down the road we want to switch...
Asked by Anonymous in Leadership
member-at-large within bylaws?
Should 'member-at-large be added to bylaws?
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Can someone run for two roles at the same time
If someone is running for President and VP, do we vote for President first and if the person wins, withdraw...
Asked by ajwcnw in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Our School wants PTO to do all the fundraising
Our school wants only the PTO to do fundraisers. They want us to do only one and then "distribute" the...
Asked by rlk324 in Fundraising
Reports from Treasurer
Are you as a volunteer of your PTO allowed to ask for receipts from purchases that were made?
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
budget reserves
Is there a recommended percentage of yearly budget that should be held in reserves from year to year?
Asked by mbk in Finance & Budget
Bylaws - who's in charge
Do PTO's answer to anyone for ByLaws. Are the rules not there to enforce or is constant law change allowed?
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Change from PTSA to PTSO
How quickly and easily can we switch our organization from PTA to PTO. How long would it take? What...
Asked by valkaylor in Nonprofit Status & Organization
what are the easiest, biggest money-maker fundraisers you have done?
Asked by wmjake in Fundraising
tax id number
I am wondering how to verify a tax id number I was given by the current treasurer. I am not sure about...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget