PTO Board End of Year Dinner
Can PTO funds pay for the End of the Year Dinner for just the PTO Board of the school?
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Can our school district rewrite our by-laws?
As PTO President, I was just invited to a session to make sure all school PTOs in our district our in...
Asked by Nature Ridge PTO in Bylaws
Framing Athlete Autographed Photos for SIlent Auction? Is it worth it?
Our silent auction is coming up in early May, and this year we received signed photographs from both...
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
planning calender for 2012-2013
dose anyone know when the new calender comes out they only have the 2011-2012 one posted
Asked by svc28 in Events, Programs, & Activities
My first year
I wanted to know if I could be interviewed for the PTO Today Magazine...Ive done some amazing things...
Asked by tiphanny in Volunteers & Involvement
Left out
Hello I am a parent volunteer at our local school.
Recently our P.T.O. gave each volunteer a gift
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Scholarships for field trips
I was just voted in as the PTO president for the next school year and a question came up regarding scholarships...
Asked by kdwhites in Volunteers & Involvement
Swearing in officers
Can anyone tell me where on pta website a script can be found to swear in new officers at PTA general...
Asked by jltx in Elections & Transition
nominations, elections, and mid-term resignation
#1 Who nominates and elects the exective board? (President, VP...) Our current PTO executive board nomiates...
Asked by KCD in Elections & Transition
Activities for adults at school carnival
Does anyone include activities for adults at their school carnivals? If so, any ideas that work?
Asked by jsbofaz in Events, Programs, & Activities