Who can vote?
We have a PTC and when they have issues that need to be voted on the only let the board vote and the...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
donations needed
where can i get a list of places that will donate in massachusetts
Asked by suzyq in Fundraising
Quote Insight
Looking for a simple quote to place o a plaque for an exiting PTO Board President.....
Asked by tamarapow in Officers & Board
501c3 application and audits
When you apply for 501c3 does the organization get audited?
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
501c3 - tax return required?
When you are 501c3 status you are required to file a tax return but not if you are only tax exempt?
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Elections and term limits
We had an election for the pres of our PTO between 2 people.The person who won had been co-pres for 2...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
PTO start up kit
I would like information on how to start a PTO, but I do not have $199 to buy it. We need a PTO because...
Asked by mindywallace in Teachers
If your PTO has had nominations and you said "nominations are closed". Are they closed? Or can a person...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
School photo's
Our administrators from all the schools in the district got together and changed our school photographer.The...
Asked by termisup in Fundraising
can a teacher be a PTO president?
We have a teacher who wants to co-president with a parent. She is also a parent. Can this happen?
Asked by termisup in Teachers