Is there anything specifically in Roberts Rules about posting minutes?
Hello! Can anyone guide me to where or if Roberts Rules states anything about posting of the minutes...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
president issues
What do you do if your Principal is trying to get rid of you so she can have someone else in? Some Parents...
Asked by Kim in Communications
Financial Data Part IX of 1023
3 questions before completing our 501c3! We rec'd our Articles of Incorp 6/8/2012. Fiscal yr ends 6/30/2012....
Asked by kvgksg in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Catalog Fundraiser
Has anyone ever done a ChicoBag Fundraiser at the elementary school level? How did it turn out? Any advice?
Asked by GJackson in Fundraising
Adopt a Flower Bed
Has anyone ever done Adopt-A-Flower Bed program at their school? We're thinking of having different school...
Asked by GJackson in Events, Programs, & Activities
HELP!! by laws violated and no one wants to help
I was nominated for president of the pto for a 2nd term and accepted but the teachers and admin. wanted...
Asked by heatherforbespto in Officers & Board
We have not Voted yet for new Officers is there a time frame we have to get it done. and also we have...
Asked by Kim in Elections & Transition
Clubs within the PTO?
Our PTO is a 501(c)3. The parents want to start an Art Club and a Garden Club that will need their own...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
changing from pta to pto, does current board remain
when changing from pta to pto, can the current board members stay on or should we have a new election?
Asked by patti wyrobek in Elections & Transition
School Directory Disclaimer(permission slip)
Our PTO is putting together a directory for the first time, and was wondering what a permission slip...
Asked by codyconnormom in Communications