Question: New PTO

We have started a new PTO and there is confusion as to whether or not we need to file a 501c3? We have filed and received EIN #. Is there a person or number I can call to talk to someone about how to properly set this up?

Asked by irishang17



Advice from PTO Today

Rose H writes:
Hi irishang17!
We have some good resources on the site that will give you basic information. The IRS would like to see non profits go through the process of filing for 501(c)(3) status. If your group brings in gross receipts (all the funds you get from fundraisers, donations, and so on) of less than $50,000, it can file online now and it costs only $275.

These articles provide really helpful information:

501(c)(3) for PTOs:

Know Your Group's Legal Status:

And here is the documentation from the IRS that goes over the application process:

Good luck!

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