Question: Asking a committee member to step down
How do you do it? The reasons to do so are serious personal conflicts with multiple parents and teachers. The conflicts affect the success of our PTO and the willingness of parents to participate. It is anticipated there will be retaliation; however the big picture is at stake. Thanks for your advice.
Asked by Anonymous
Advice from PTO Today
bblake writes:Hopefully your bylaws have language (similar to what is below)regarding filling vacancies or removing someone from office. It should state how removal can occur "with cause" or "without cause". "PTO board members may be terminated for failing to uphold the duties and ethics of their office or other extenuating circumstances which may bring discredit or show negatively on the PTO, the school, or the district. "
Community Advice
roxannehenry writes:Barb, unfortunately - the bylaws are void of any such language. I will be submitting an update - but it is too late for the problem at hand.
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