In the Fall 2021 issue

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PTO Today Article

Rethink Your School Volunteer Recruitment

When your appeals for help aren’t getting results, it’s time to try something—or someone—new.

Group Management

Clique Fixes That Work

Do parents see your parent group as being a clique? Need to repair or prevent a bad reputation?Change the way people see your PTO or PTA with these six fixes.

Student Involvement

Get Kids Involved in Your PTO or PTA

Students bring a fresh perspective to your planning. Learn from the experiences of three different groups who involved student representatives.


Build School Spirit From the Start

14 ways PTOs and PTAs can encourage a strong school community.

Parent Groups in the Community

10 Ways To Be a Community Resource

Try these community-building ideas like planning a service project and helping local businesses.

PTO Today Article

Quiz: Rate Your Involvement IQ

See how your group's attitudes and practices for building parent involvement measure up.


Updated planning calendar, list of school recognition days

We've updated the calendar and school recognition days for the 2023-24 school year! Use it when planning family events, fundraisers, and celebrations. Download and share a copy with your PTO or PTA crew!

About the Magazine

About PTO Today

PTO Today magazine is loaded with informative articles, helpful advice, and creative ideas for your group. It’s published 4 times a year, and every K-8 public school automatically receives one free subscription addressed to the parent group president. To make sure your PTO or PTA receives its copy, update your officer info or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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