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Winter Break Bucket List

Winter Break Bucket List

101 Things To Do Over Winter Break 

Downloads: 786


This is a simple form that can be filled out and given to whomever is in charge of creating flyers.
Downloads: 1795 Hot!
Parent Permission Slip For School Directory

Parent Permission Slip For School Directory

Here is a simple and direct permission slip for parents to fill out if they would like their child to be included in the school directory.
Downloads: 1132 Hot!
Downloads: 1043 Hot!
Lorax Recruitment Flyer

Lorax Recruitment Flyer

The Lorax lets parents know that unless they help nothing will get done and encourages them to have their voice heard by joining the PTO.
Downloads: 5340 Hot!
EBAOG AUg 5 Board Minutes

EBAOG AUg 5 Board Minutes

Downloads: 1888 Hot!
computer lab sign up

computer lab sign up

Downloads: 1102 Hot!
Candy Bar Wrapper Template

Candy Bar Wrapper Template

Customizable chocolate bar wrapper.
Downloads: 2387 Hot!
Earth Day skit

Earth Day skit

This is a short skit that can be performed at assembly on or before Earth Day giving kids ideas how they can conserve our resources.
Downloads: 10352 Hot!
School Week at a Glance worksheet (Spanish)

School Week at a Glance worksheet (Spanish)

A handout for Spanish-speaking parents with space to keep track of students' appointments and activities.
Downloads: 1629 Hot!
School Week at a Glance worksheet

School Week at a Glance worksheet

A handout for parents with space to keep track of students' appointments and activities.
Downloads: 1569 Hot!
Parent-Teacher Conference Questions (Spanish)

Parent-Teacher Conference Questions (Spanish)

A handy list of questions in Spanish to share with parents to help them make the most of conference time.
Downloads: 2234 Hot!
Parent-Teacher Conference Questions

Parent-Teacher Conference Questions

A handy list of questions to share with parents to help them make the most of conference time.
Downloads: 1993 Hot!

"Understanding Grades and Grading" article for parents (en Español)

An article to share with Spanish-speaking parents that explains various grading systems used in schools today.
Downloads: 1388 Hot!

"Understanding Grades and Grading" article for parents

An article to share with parents that explains various grading systems used in schools today.
Downloads: 1247 Hot!
Test-Taking Survival Kit

Test-Taking Survival Kit

Test taking can be stressful. Our PTSO gives out a little 'survival kit' for our 5th grade students who are taking the state placement tests.
Downloads: 2735 Hot!
Event Evaluation Form

Event Evaluation Form

This is a really basic evaluation/feedback sheet that can be given out to attendees at a PTO event to get direct feedback (a collection box/person wil
Downloads: 2333 Hot!
attendence sheet

attendence sheet

Downloads: 1857 Hot!
a treasured poem for a teacher

a treasured poem for a teacher

it's a treasured poem for a teacher. kids can make this craft for a loved teacher. if you like this the site i got it off of is
Downloads: 6179 Hot!
Sign in sheets

Sign in sheets

These are just simple sign in sheets for parents to fill out when they attend monthly meetings. They are separated by grade.
Downloads: 7069 Hot!

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