Grab a File:Teachers & Administration

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"Souper" Teacher Appreciation Gift Tag

For a "souper" teacher! Customize these tags with a teacher's name and the name of your parent group, then attach to a soup-theme gift, such as a take-home container filled with homemade soup or chili. Four tags to a page.
Downloads: 3796 Hot!
Back-to-School Apple Gift Tags for Teachers

Back-to-School Apple Gift Tags for Teachers

Cute tags with a sweet message to apples for teachers at back-to-school time.
Downloads: 20610 Hot!
Doughnut Gift Tags for Teacher Appreciation

Doughnut Gift Tags for Teacher Appreciation

Cute gift tags to print and attach to doughnuts as a sweet Teacher Appreciation pick-me-up.
Downloads: 12969 Hot!
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Potluck Flyer

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Potluck Flyer

Customizable flyer to promote a breakfast potluck for Teacher Appreciation.
Downloads: 4646 Hot!
Teacher Appreciation Job Coupons for Kids

Teacher Appreciation Job Coupons for Kids

Cute coupons kids can fill in with jobs (wiping down desks, sweeping, etc.) they can do to help the teacher.
Downloads: 3167 Hot!
Holiday Cookie Exchange Recipe Cards

Holiday Cookie Exchange Recipe Cards

Blank cards to fill in with your favorite cookie recipe for a holiday cookie exchange.
Downloads: 1709 Hot!
Gift Tags for Teacher Gift-Wrapping Service

Gift Tags for Teacher Gift-Wrapping Service

Pretty tags that say "Happy Holidays" to use for a holiday gift-wrapping service for teachers.
Downloads: 6503 Hot!
Lunch Duty Coupons for Teachers

Lunch Duty Coupons for Teachers

Give teachers a break by covering them during lunch duty.
Downloads: 2519 Hot!
Drop-off/Pickup Line Coupons for Teachers

Drop-off/Pickup Line Coupons for Teachers

Give teachers a break by covering them in school drop-off or pickup lines.
Downloads: 3668 Hot!
Teacher Survival Kit Baggie Tag

Teacher Survival Kit Baggie Tag

Print and affix this "teacher survival kit" tag, affix to a plastic baggie, and fill with fun and useful items for a thoughtful gift.
Downloads: 14626 Hot!
Back-to-School Eraser Gift Tags for Teachers

Back-to-School Eraser Gift Tags for Teachers

Cute gift tags to print and affix to new erasers for a small back-to-school gift for teachers.
Downloads: 2524 Hot!
Back-to-School Notebook Gift Tag for Teachers

Back-to-School Notebook Gift Tag for Teachers

Cute gift tag to print and affix to a notebook for a small back-to-school gift for teachers.
Downloads: 1855 Hot!
Longfellow Elementary School PTA

Longfellow Elementary School PTA

Downloads: 2431 Hot!
Plant Tags for Teacher Appreciation

Plant Tags for Teacher Appreciation

Print tags (12 to a sheet) that say “Teachers plant seeds of knowledge that will grow forever!” and affix to a plant of your choice for a sweet teacher appreciation gift.
Downloads: 6239 Hot!
Hand Lotion Tags for Teacher Appreciation

Hand Lotion Tags for Teacher Appreciation

Colorful, customizable tags (12 per page) that say "We're in good hands with you!"; attach to hand lotion for a small but thoughtful show of teacher appreciation.
Downloads: 16015 Hot!
Teacher Appreciation Calculator Tag

Teacher Appreciation Calculator Tag

Affix this cute tag that says "According to our calculations, you are a great teacher!" to a calculator for a sweet teacher gift. Simply print, cut out, fold in half, then staple over the top of the calculator packaging. Or cut in half and only use the bottom portion as a tag.
Downloads: 3160 Hot!

"I Love My Teacher Because..." Cards for Teacher Appreciation

Teachers will love the personal touch of these cute, printable “I love my teacher because...” cards from their students. For a sweet gift, adults can collect the cards in a pretty jar or box.
Downloads: 24823 Hot!
Teacher Appreciation Goody Bag Directions and Tag

Teacher Appreciation Goody Bag Directions and Tag

Printable list of suggested items and a gift tag; fill a cellophane (or other) gift bag with items of your choice for a thoughtful expression of appreciation for teachers.
Downloads: 19949 Hot!
Gift Card Holders for Teacher Appreciation

Gift Card Holders for Teacher Appreciation

Affix a gift card to these printable, humorous gift card holders (three different messages) as a sweet and easy way to show your teachers your appreciation.
Downloads: 2835 Hot!
Happy Hands Tree for Teacher Appreciation

Happy Hands Tree for Teacher Appreciation

Colorful, customizable paper tree and hands to build a sweet "happy hands" tree that shows teachers your appreciation.
Downloads: 4110 Hot!

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