Save the Date/Upcoming Events Flyer (Canva template)

"Save the Date" Graphic

"Coming Up Next" Graphic

Certificate for 100th Day PE Challenge

Certificate for Reading 100 Books

"Our 100 Reasons" Sheet

Snowflake Templates

Celebración del Día de Muertos (Español)

Day of the Dead Celebration (English)

Student Art Show Invite
We have an Art Show/Gallery after our Reflections Art Contest. This is a poster/flyer promoting the Art Gallery, you will most likely need to download the fonts used, or you can change them to match your own style. Current fonts used can be download free on DaFont and they are: Bebas, Bebas Neue, Brands Kidnapped, and LaurenScript.


Full House Fundraiser Event Brochure
Full House Fundraiser (previously known as Casino Night) is our annual event. The event is full catered, with beer/wine, casino style gaming and silent auction. Attached is our full brochure of the event. We have an amazingly talented graphic designer who designed the logo and all the other collateral materials. Hope it helps and inspires your event.

Event Program Template

Costume Contest
This is flyer I made and sent home with the students for a Dr. Seuss costume contest.

30 Ideas for School Spirit Days

Wine Night Flyer

Parents Night Out Flyer

Moms Night Out Flyer

Kids (and Parents) Night Out Flyer
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